
My Name is Don Statham and this is my garden blog.

I am mad about plants, some might say obsessive! One of the points of this blog is to connect with other passionate gardeners who also like to talk about plants, garden design, garden writing and all things horticultural.

Originally from Bartlesville, Oklahoma, I made my first real garden (if you don’t count the cantaloupes in my grandmother’s garden, which I certainly do count!) in Scotland where I lived with my Scottish wife for three years. I am a self-taught trial- and error- designer/gardener, and my experience over many years is what enabled me to have a successful landscape design business in New York City. My company, Bloom Design Inc., enabled me to see many gardens in all kinds of tough urban places. I discovered which plants would hold up on roof-top terraces with high winds, and which were suited for deep shade gardens with no air circulation. The success was great, but we have always loved greener places. So after 10 years, I closed my company in order to live out our dream of residing in the country full time.

I am now a garden consultant/designer. And as always, my own garden is my area of study and learning. My own garden is my passion, and it has been a laboratory in which to test my ideas about garden design and plant habitat. We bought Old Totem Farm, in New York State in 1997. On the day of the signing, the man we bought the house and land from was just making his way down the driveway after all the papers were signed. He leaned casually out of his car window and said, “Oh, by the way, it’s cold here!” In fact, it is Zone 4, one of the coldest spots around. When other people have daffodils, we can’t see the ground for inches of snow. After I renovated the house, I began to make my garden. Nine years later, my garden is starting to mature. It now encompasses about four acres totally surrounding the house. The garden is really a series of garden rooms that lead you from one space to another. When you leave one area, you are bombarded by different shapes, sizes, colors, textures, light and shade that make a walk in the garden a constantly changing visual and sensual adventure. The Big Leaf Room, The Moon Garden, The Plum Orchard, and The Lilac Walk are just a few of the different areas that I have named to give you a sense of the place. But words do not always suffice when beauty is involved, so be prepared to let go of easy descriptions and let your heart enjoy the scenery!

READ ABOUT US IN The New York Times

11 Responses to About

  1. Barbara Cooledge says:

    Wonderful blog. You are a great photographer as well a gardener. Enjoy it every time I read about your gardens.

  2. Bella Mirabella says:

    Gorgeous pictures and so much great information. Terrific blog!

  3. Lori Roll says:

    My friend Jim Hess sent me your blog. I lived in Maine for 17 years and your artful photos of luscious New England flowers meandering on your property take me back to my years there. I’m in Bartlesville now and having fun with an “urban” back yard. Although it’s bloody hot. Thank you for the breath of beauty and cool air.

  4. Janine Chisholm says:

    Using your abundant knowledge you have created peaceful and calming garden spaces. They’re like paintings you can live in. I also enjoy the information you pass along and of course the lush photographs.
    Great job Don, philosophy, gardens, and blog!

  5. satch says:

    Don I love your new blog. satch

  6. Roy Bilbie says:

    Hello, my name is Roy, my wife Larraine and I live on Tamborine Mountain Queensland, we are both passionate gardeners. We just love Clematis. We say mostly here Clem ay tis. The English have it right it really should be Clema tis as in “Gemma.” from the Greek Klema. But old habits die hard I suppose. We look forward to catching up with some of your ideas and knowledge. We have just had an open garden at our place. To raise funds for our local Botanic Gardens which is run by volunteers. If you would like see the slide show you are welcome, but would need your email address.


  7. Dear Don Statam,

    We ‘re filmmakers from Amsterdam, Holland. I’ve got your name from Sandra van Beek. I think you know her sister and met her in december 2013. Sandra told me about your interest in Piet Oudolf, dutch designer. We ‘re making a film about him. We are looking for an international broadcaster! maybe you have contact in that direction. I like to hear from you.

    Also for Barbara den Uyl, the director)
    Leen van den Berg


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  8. maplemoon says:

    Hello Don, I am enjoying your informative garden blog.
    The best way to spend a snowy afternoon!
    Looking forward to your Franklin Garden Club lecture.
    Regards, Marian.

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